

Hentai Developer

Joined on 4/14/07

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Don't say anything related to "Rape her.", "Grab his/her cock." or "Do a barrel roll.", again just for the post count +1.

Haven't seem people say that much in the Art Forums. Just mainly General Forums. =/

You should probably put out links :U

heh.. I might >:)

I think the one I hate the most is

-Ask for critique/comments but don't apply them.

I've tried to help so many people with their art, and after a lengthy critique of their drawing they say "well that's just my style I'm not making any of the changes you suggested". I guess these people don't really want criticism. Just comments. Just one comment actually:



But yeah, not much we can do about it. If you complain about it on the forums it's just considered backseat modding. I can understand that though, it's annoying to see a crappy thread bumped seven times so that everyone has a chance to say "Read the rules". Once is enough.

Bah, I should quit ranting and get back to art.

yeah.. it happened to me today XD

and that's another one i forgot :O
bumping threads about rules when someone already posted the link.

I agree wtih fetusdoctor, I mean I go on, and some people just arn't good at drawing. Like i'll say, "the anatomy is wrong, muscles don't look like that, change it". I'll give them a list of things to do, and they just say, "well my style of animation doesn't use anatomy", or, "anatomy isn't that important you know". It's like, wtf dude, learn to take damn critisizm. And hi

Yeah some people just want positive comments rather than critique, even though they ask for it =/

and hi :O

yeah i broke some of those rules but realize that i did some growing up....you cant beat these little fucks that like shitting in the art forum... the mods wont delete the shit that been posted...they'll lock but wont delete....i guess the art forum will never get up to a respectable level

probably right about the people shitting in the forums.. =/
But I know of mods that delete BS posts..

You forgot: "WOOPS FORGOT PIC"

I mean, is it that hard to hit the browse button it's right above the post button...

I lol'ed, nice.

not to name your account after a fish?

not to submit naruto fanart?

not to post ion any thread thats not awesome?

there are idiots out there?

hmm these are not mandatory...

a ton of good points, especially number 26.
seriously vaurtecks, you need to get some of these in the official rules.

ugh! MY NAME >:C

getting some in the rules would be awesome though >.>;

You are one of the best artists on the forums man, I mean sure all your pics basically base on naked/almost naked chicks, which is ok, but anayomy is extrodinary, like when mindchamber gave you the stick drawing. I mean wow, you really know how to work photoshop, I just found out how to take one image and put it in another lol.

Thanks. Yeah I'm glad Mindchamber was there to put me in check ^_^;
I stayed up almost all night doing that picture.... That was really the best I could do at the time, in such a short amount of time...I can do a lot better now.. But a while ago I looked at the lines again and I think the arm was supposed to be on the outside of the leg >.>;

Good list, great tips, I can only hope some people learn from this. I know I'm far from being a perfect mod but damnit, I'm trying.

Number two is my pet peeve on the forum; people who ask for crit (or don't ask for it, they need to hear it anyway) but flat out refuse to learn or correct or even explain why it doesn't apply to their image. >=[

Yes, you are trying, and doing a good job at it too. When I go to the art forums and see lots of red tankmen icons to the side.. it makes me smile :)

But yeah, some people.. ask for crits, then their next picture has the same mistakes. Or you tell them something useful and it's obviously ignored. And they keep posting that same shit, with the same flaws.. ugh. Let me stop before I write a book, I could make thick rant paragraphs for anyone of these items on the list T.T;

Lol, I laughed cos most of this is heart-bustingly true. Nice one.
Although I think we've all called our stuff shit (12) at some point :'(

Heh, yeah, but not in the same meaning. number 12 on the list means basically, you post some art and you know it sucks in places ( or someone tells you what wrong with it ), but you refuse to admit the flaws and claim you meant to draw it that way T.T; or say it's supposed to look that way as an excuse to not fix it.



"14-Post art for your friend who doesn't want to make a Newgrounds account."
Might be changed into 'Don't post art you didn't make, unless you're helping other people with them (examples/reference images)'

Truth, but that's one of the standard rules no? Only post original art that you made.