I'm sorry but my teams power of 3 will be the most awesome. :O
I wish I was joking..
the numbers are in relation to the image below.
1. Latest Umichan is coming along. As I mentioned in a few replies I'm going to focus on the story elements quite a bit. If anyone has a name for that wrinkly ass teacher with the glasses (at the bottom), I'm open for suggestions. In the game there are multiple ways of getting stuff done. That's all I'm sayin' >.>;
2. The Po3 team is now only DJ-Delinquent and myself. The game is still awesome. but! If can do backgrounds that would save me some time art wise. Feel free to send me a PM if interested. If not we have the ok from Tom to just duo it. we started with 3 at least >.>; It's a action beat-em up platform styled game.
3. I've agreed to start working on art for a dress-up game (non-hentai), so yeah, I've offered lots of suggestions to the guy making it (I'm not making it), about what would actually make these types of games pretty good, since I've seen some good ones in the past. We'll see how it goes. (yes, I realize the shirt on the girl is drawn pretty shitty, this was intentional and used as an example)
great now that you have a team.... should have been finish your project by now :D
I should have been finished with a lot of stuff by now >.<, but things like this keep poping up XD, I still plan to do another miniposters girl >.>;