

Hentai Developer

Joined on 4/14/07

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Vortex00's News

Posted by Vortex00 - August 30th, 2008

Not really working non-stop on this.. game development is second to my college work.
Nearly done with the artwork. The code.. I know how to do but it'll take a bit to actually "do" it.

I made a little video of me working on some stuff:

actually check me out over at RedGage
It's pretty cool you get a bit of money for views of your content.

currently Implementing:
-revamped graphics
-more positions
-unlockable positions
-storyline over different locations (you play as Maiko's best friend, you can choose your gender)
-1st-person shooter action ( and yes.. I meant to type "1st-person shooter" ) O.o
-cheating in class ( will elaborate later.. )
-smoother animations
-hair physics
-reworked control scheme (you now synchronize with her instead of going fast as hell)
-you can mess with her while shes talking to you. ( use you imagination )

Look for the game hopefully sometime next month (September), if you have me added to your fav. artists list I'll probably send you a PM.

Working on U:M v2

Posted by Vortex00 - July 13th, 2008

If you came here from another site:
Sorry guys this is the site of the original upload I only uploaded it two places. vortex00 and newgrounds.


Play it here:

This is a game (my first flash game!) featuring a original character named "Maiko" that I draw (too much >.>;). She is part of a series of things I have named "UmiChan" so you will see more of UmiChan related things and characters as I get time to complete them.


- Learn the hotkeys!

- Sometimes Maiko won't tell you what position she wants. This is completely random LOL! ( It screwed me over a few times during testing >_<; )

- If she hasn't wanted to change positions in a while, then don't complete the stage yet until she does. (you don't want her to change right after the bar resets! )

- It gets harder at stage 8, 12, 16, 20, 22, 24, and 25!

- Work on increasing skill before you get to the harder stages!

/* */

/* */

Posted by Vortex00 - January 18th, 2008

Go check 'em out if you haven't:

http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=SV ortex00

and check it out again if you already have >.>;
There may be something new there! :O

Meanwhile I need to redecorate this place..

in other news >.>;

Working on a lot of shit. One of these things I'm working on though is a Flash animation based on this character I keep drawing. Gonna try to make lots of shit and get a collection going on NG. That's my objective so far. I actually have about 13 seconds already animated, sound and everything. problem is it's already 1+ Mb so it'll probably have to be in parts or something, we'll see.

/* */
This is a picture from the Flash I'm doing.

My Photoshop painting videos

Posted by Vortex00 - October 19th, 2007

This in kind of a continuation of my first journal entry.

If you found yourself here and post or read in the Art Forum please read carefully.
These are things you should NOT do in the Art Forum. If people can grasp these concepts of what NOT to do. The Art Forum can be the place I believe it was meant to be.


1-Post some raggedy ass pic in the art forum that you know is bad and ask for critique/comments.

2-Ask for critique/comments but don't apply them.

3-Make the excuse that you picture sucks because you only spent a few minutes on it.

4-Link to a higher quality version of a shitty picture.

5-Post a higher quality version of a shitty picture you already posted.

6-Post a dumb ass picture with an alt you own.

7-Log onto you alternate account (alt) and respond to your own threads.

8-Bump your own topic only a few minutes after creation, saying something like "how come no one is responding?".

9-Post a picture in a existing thread to contribute to it, but then start a new topic with that same picture.

10-Picture spam. ( Keep posting the same picture in different threads)

11-Start a new topic asking what the best art program is.

12-Say your art looks like shit on purpose.

13-Start a new thread saying what you plan on drawing later.

14-Post art for your friend who doesn't want to make a Newgrounds account.

15-posting short replies just for post count +1

16-Posting personal messages in the forum. (use PM system please)

17-Posting a off topic picture as an excuse for the thread to be legit. (because quite frankly I'd say threads like these fall under a general rules BIG ONE "Attempting to smartass your way around these rules." )

18-make a new thread for a certain category or theme of art but provide none of your own.

19-Make a new topic with a shit load of links. (especially with [IMG] tags)

20-Post raggedy ass bullshit because you are bored

21-bump threads about following rules when someone already posted the link and gave appropriate info to the original poster.

22-ask a question that is pretty easy to figure out on your own..

23-forgetting to post the picture. ( No biggie if corrected in a timely fashion)

24-Write some long as shit that no one wants to read then post a shitty picture.


26-misspell my user name >.>;

27-Start a topic requesting someone make/design graphics for your shitty web page no one is ever going to go to.

If people would apply the rules combined with those listed here of what "not" to do the Art Forum would be kick ass. It's fun to browse like any other section of Newgrounds, but some days it's ridiculous. I'm just putting thoughts into words by making this list.

It's seems like a lot but it's not really that hard to do. All of it is stuff regulars don't do anyways.
What's are your thoughts on this?

I'm not saying, the shit has to be badass art, I know my shit isn't badass. But it's obvious to tell when a person can't draw well versus not really trying. I see the Art forum is a place to flaunt your skills, visually express feelings and ideas, be competitive and improve.

Direct people to this page if you spot them fucking up the forums, maybe we can make a difference if only slightly.

Anything I left out on the list? leave a comment ad I'll add it.


Posted by Vortex00 - August 18th, 2007

Still busy with this little project.

Too lazy to make a new entry lol..

Did some remodeling in here.

Stay up.

MSN: SVortex00@hotmail.com

Art Thread

Posted by Vortex00 - August 10th, 2007

Read ALL of it bish!

As the title says. Seriously folks.. who sits down and draws hentai for nothing but their own pleasure.

0mfg!!11one lolz look at ur banner

Ignore my banner, because by hentai I mean pics/animations of Japan inspired cartoon penetration (xxx).

Aside from this one RARE case.. which is golden and a great opportunity to open things later down the road for me. I don't do it at all.

Anyone who has seen my art will tell you I draw lots of women, YES majority ( all >.>; ) of them will be the ideal stereotyped kind, busty and slim. Some may even be partially, mostly, or fully naked. Many will have skin tight clothing on, or very little clothing. Some will look badass, some will look fairly normal. It doesn't mean I'm OMFG h0rny. It's what I like to draw, DEAL WITH IT >:C , it's what I've always been drawing for years.

Yes I can draw other stuff, and I do from time to time, but I choose not to draw other stuff too often because I like drawing it less. And as it stands, the drawing I do is merely a hobby. For reference, I define a hobby as spending spare time doing something you enjoy doing the most, or really enjoy.

Don't ask for hentai please, it's not funny -_-; .. I have none to give you, because I don't draw it.

You're welcome to leave a message saying why you do or don't believe me :O

My Newgrounds ArtThread

Edit: Lulz soon this message won't apply >.>;

Edit: Aug 7, 2008 Yeah don't bother posting some stupid stuff here.. it's waste of time >.>;

Posted by Vortex00 - July 25th, 2007

Imma just bitch about some retarded stuff I hate seeing see in the Art Forum.. >.>;

When someone post some raggedy ass pic in the art forum and ask for critique. Then, when people say it sucks they say something like " I did it in 2 mins " or something. When in actuality it took them like 30 mins to an hour >.>; it's all BS to me.

Then there are the guys that post some craptacular pic and say something like " Zomg jpg sux here's a link to a better version" >.>;

Dude, the picture itself .. SUCKS .. slightly higher quality will not save your shitty ass drawing!!! ARRRGGG!!! XD

As I understand, it is a showcase.. not " look at the stupid shit I did :D !! "

Aside from that though the Art Forum is awesome.. for me at least >.>;

Those interested can find my latest art here.

Stuff I hate in the Art Forums